How do you measure loyalty of your customers?​

How do you measure
loyalty of your customers?

Brands that measured customer loyalty using Net Loyalty Score


Comparison with competition & markets benchmark

Summarized evaluation of your loyalty initiatives

Find out what is important for your customers, what does matter

Let your customers have a voice by empowering feedback

Overview of the level of loyalty of your customers

Get information for strategic decisions in loyalty sphere

Loyalty is not for sale, you have to work on it every day to deserve it. Customers want and are willing to pay for a great experience. The loyalty program is an icing on the cake that rewards regular customers for their repeated visits and gives them a sense of uniqueness.

Only a few companies are able to be unique. Delivering product in promised time, easy customer experience, quick reaction of the customer care are hygienic factors that no longer make an impression, they only differentiate the market average from the utterly desperate. Operating a loyalty program in the form of a reward scheme is already a standard benefit.

How does the average company differ from the top pro-customer ones? In communication and post-purchase care. There is a huge difference between sending an invoice by e-mail only as a normal obligation, and genuine interest in whether everything works after the purchase, making returns as easy as possible, providing an electronic manual or an extended warranty.

You have to work off your loyal customers. But they are worth the effort, they will bring you profit and they are the best and so far unsurpassed marketing channel. Prepare an interesting loyalty program for them, make them feel exceptionally unique. Customer relationships cannot be copied. They are the most valuable asset your company has on its balance sheet. Surveys confirm that up to 73% of satisfied program members are willing to recommend the brand to other people. Through the loyalty program, pamper the ambassadors of your brand.

The best way to start loyalty marketing is to set up a simple rule in the company – we dedicate half of our time to existing customers. If you invest the most valuable resource, i.e. your employees’ time in retention, it will pay off richly.


Businesses lack simple metrics for measuring customer loyalty. They need to monitor the evolution of the strength of the relationship. especially “before and after” the introduction of the new loyalty program. That’s why we created the Net Loyalty Score – a new benchmark for measuring customer loyalty and comparison with the market.

Today’s businesses require a clear and actionable way to assess customer loyalty. Simply put, they need to gauge the evolving strength of customer relationships, especially when evaluating the impact of new initiatives like loyalty programs.

We understand this challenge. That’s why we’ve developed the Net Loyalty Score, a powerful metric designed to provide businesses with a comprehensive understanding of customer loyalty and how it compares to industry benchmarks.


Results of Net Loyalty Score correlate with real behavior of customers, which was verified by analysis of real transaction data.
Net Loyalty Score is a reliable benchmark that assesses the state of loyalty of the customer base within the market and the industry.

Net Loyalty Score compares the behaviour of different customer groups, countries or brands, and their evolution over time.


Using a standardized methodology, we measure 3 areas affecting loyalty: appreciation, first choice, and emotional loyalty. Then we calculate individual scores for each customer and classify them as loyal or cold. Net Loyalty Score is the difference between loyal and cold customers. If the number of loyal customers is the same as the number of cold customers, the NLS equals 0. A negative NLS means that the company has to spend money to gain new customers just to maintain its revenue.


Does your brand make customers feel that they are important to you?


What is the position of your brand compared to the competition?


How strong is the emotional relationship of customers to your brand?

Loyalty Power Evaluation

Pricewise pomocou originálneho štruktúrovaného prístupu Loyalty Power Evaluation identifikuje silné a slabé stránky firmy v šiestich dimenziách konaní lojality zákazníkov. Výsledný Loyalty Power Index hodnotí firmu v týchto dimenziách: Výsledky, Stratégia, Procesy, Analýzy, Organizácia, Komunikácia.

Zdrojom hodnotenia sú výstupy interného dotazníka Loyalty Power Evaluation a zákazníckeho prieskumu Net Loyalty Score. V každej dimenzii môže firma získať od 0 do 100 bodov, celkový index sa potom skladá z priemerného hodnotenia vo všetkých dimenziách.

Porovnanie NLS a NPS

Z nášho prieskumu medzi marketérov e-commerce firiem v rámci Reshoper Datablog štúdie a skúseností z desiatok projektov vernostných programov vyplýva jednoznačná potreba mať štandardizovaný nástroj na meranie lojality zákazníkov. Firmy musia lojalitu merať a široko rozšírený indikátor NPS nie je pre kvantifikáciu vernosti vhodný. Z dátových analýz v rôznych projektoch máme bohužiaľ potvrdené, že veľa zákazníkov bez problému firmu odporučí, ale budúci nákup urobí inde.


Loyalty Express
Loyalty Express

Loyalty Express

Loyalty Express

Loyalty Express by Pricewise

Meranie zákazníckej vernosti pomocou NET LOYALTY SCORE

+ Loyalty Power Index

(Loyalty Express + Loyalty Power Index)
+ 590

Loyalty Express GO

  • Meranie lojality až 5 zákazníckych segmentov
  • Porovnanie výsledkov s benchmarkom odvetví
  • Vyhodnotenie reaktivity zákazníckej databázy
  • Share of wallet a Memory track zákazníckych segmentov

Loyalty Express PRO

  • Meranie lojality až 5 zákazníckych segmentov
  • Porovnanie výsledkov s benchmarkom odvetví
  • Vyhodnotenie reaktivity zákazníckej databázy
  • Share of wallet a Memory track zákazníckych segmentov
  • +
  • Tri extra otázky podľa vášho individuálenho zadania
  • Analýza doplnkových kvalitatívnych otázok

Customer loyalty

80 %

of profits come from loyal customers

10 %

of additional revenue only through good work with retention


years of experience
managing customer loyalty


Radek Hrachovec

o z (3)

Radek Hrachovec

Partner at Voxwise
Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional™

He is one of the greatest experts in creating loyalty strategies in Central Europe. He was fascinated by loyalty programs and direct marketing twenty years ago and has permanently connected his professional career with this topic. He shares his rich experience in the form of consultations, workshops and complete tailor-made projects.


In 2017, he received the title of Certified Loyalty Marketing Professional (CLMP) from the Board of Directors of Loyalty Academy. Statement by the CLMP: “Your lifetime commitment, passion and achievements with regards to the loyalty marketing industry”.

He is one of three partners at Voxwise, a team of world-class experts in customer engagement, smart pricing, and advanced marketing analytics.

Voxwise is a team of data analysts, data scientists and consultants with extensive experience in analyzing customer data.

“We understand customer data.”

At Voxwise, we have dozens of projects in sectors such as retail, gastronomy, services, FMCG, financial services, hotel networks and leisure sector. Voxwise has three partners – Milan Schnorrer, Peter Krišťák and Radek Hrachovec. They have been developing Voxwise together since 2012.

V Pricewise máme za sebou desiatky projektov v industries ako retail, gastronómia, služby, FMCG, finančné služby, hotelové siete a voľný čas.  Pricewise má troch partnerov – Milan Schnorrer, Peter Krišťák a Radek Hrachovec. Spoločne rozvíjajú Pricewise od roku 2012. 

Naším najväčším úspechom je program, ktorý sme vyvinuli pre Tatry Mountain Resorts, ktorý v roku 2015 vyhral v prestížnej súťaži Loyalty Awards v 3 kategóriách. 

Sme česko-slovenská firma

Kancelárie máme v Prahe i Bratislave. Náš team tvorí dvadsať mladých dátových analytikov a analytičiek, programátorov, konzultantov, ktorí sú všetci zapálení, aby vyťažili z dát čo najviac. 

Medzi naše hlavné služby patria Direct Marketing, Vernostné programy, Cenotvorba a v neposlednom rade aj Data Science. 

Loyalty Awards

Untitled design (13)

Loyalty Awards

Radek Hrachovec patrí medzi stálych členov poroty The Loyalty Awards v Londýne. Často prednáša na rôznych konferenciách. Na svojej Alma Mater v Zlíne (Univerzita Tomáša Baťu) vedie kurzy CRM a marketingu a píše do odborných časopisov. 

Všetky dôležité novinky z oblasti vernostných programov dáva denne na Twitter: RadekOnLoyalty

Ľudia cielene ignorujú nevyžiadanú reklamu. Invázia komerčnej komunikácie naplnila všetky dostupné médiá a naše emailové schránky nekonečným počtom nevyžiadaných správ a donútila nás k protireakcii. Tradičný marketing prestal byť efektívny.

Naopak dôležitosť vernostných programov stále stúpa, pretože sú založené na základných princípoch fungovania našej osobnosti – potreba rozpoznanie a odmeny.

Contact us and we will help you measure the loyalty of your customers

Do you need a quick answer?

Radek Hrachovec

Partner at Voxwise
Customer Loyalty Expert™


No, an established loyalty program is not a condition. On the contrary, in many cases, Loyalty Express can help validate / verify the idea of ​​a loyalty program. Measuring customer loyalty is important in every part of the loyalty program – before, during, but also after.

Our survey of e-commerce marketers within the Reshoper Datablog study 2020 and the experience of dozens of loyalty program projects shows a clear need of having a standardized tool for measuring customer loyalty. Companies have to measure real levels of long-term loyalty, and the widespread NPS indicator is not suitable for quantifying loyalty. Unfortunately, we have confirmed by data analysis in various projects that many customers easily recommend the brand, but will make future purchases elsewhere.

The answer to this question is very individual. It depends on the type of market you are in, the loyalty activities you undertake and at the same time your size. For most customers, however, we recommend repeating the measurement at least twice a year.

The output of Loyalty Express is a structured report, which explains in detail the results of measuring Net Loyalty Score together with our expert interpretation. Loyalty Express includes a 1-hour presentation of the results, where you have a chance to ask questions and discuss.

It is possible to do the measurement in two weeks. Our experience ranges from 2-4 weeks.

The Voxwise team has been creating loyalty programs from A to Z since 2012. We have had dozens of successful projects, such as the GOPASS or the MEDUSA card. We will be happy to arrange a meeting with you on this topic as well.

Branch in Praha

Contact details

Na Perštýně 342/1,
110 00, Praha
Česká Republika
+420 731 618 725

Vajnorská 100A,
831 04, Bratislava
Slovenská Republika
+421 905 483 644